We all need help reading the Bible. Sometimes it is simply good to change our current habits to see the Scriptures from a fresh perspective. Whether you are needing to develop a new habit of Bible reading or needing to change it up, below are several worthy approaches to Bible reading that will benefit everyone.
Bible Reading Plans
Robert Murray M'Cheyne REading Plan
Standard 52 Week Bible Reading Plan
Enjoy this classic approach to Bible reading. Each week focuses on a different genre of Scripture.
Chronological Bible Reading
ESV Daily Bible Reading
Four daily readings taken from four lists: Psalms and wisdom literature, Pentateuch and history of Israel, Chronicles and prophets, and Gospels and epistles.
Every Word in the Bible
Read through the Bible one chapter at a time. Readings alternate between the Old and New Testaments.
Straight-Through-The-Bible Reading Plan
The Legacy Reading Plan
This plan does not have set readings for each day. Instead, it has set books for each month and a set number of Proverbs and Psalms for each week. It aims to give you more flexibility while grounding you in specific books of the Bible.